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Energy Security: Balancing Nuclear Power with Efficiency

Dec 27, 2024


Energy Efficiency: A Crucial Complement to Nuclear Power for a Secure Energy Future, ENPOSS: Empowering Energy Security Beyond Nuclear Power

Nuclear energy strengthens the energy security of a nation as it enables it to source power steadily baseload, rely less on the imports of external sources of energy, and maintain varied supplies of electricity. The dual aspect of its role in modern systems, however makes the strategic worth of nuclear stations during war expose their vulnerabilities during this time of crisis.

Nuclear plants operate at high capacity factors—often above 90%—and produce electricity around the clock, regardless of weather conditions or continuous fuel deliveries. This reliability underlines their importance as part of a sustainable and secure energy mix. Nuclear power also adds to energy independence by reducing dependence on fossil fuel imports, which are often volatile in the market and subject to geopolitical disruptions.

Nuclear reactors utilize a form of fuel, uranium, that is quite accessible, dense, and efficient enough to help countries generate large amounts of electricity from relatively small quantities of fuel. More advanced reactor designs and fuel recycling technologies are also promising more efficient and extended fuel availability and therefore long-term energy security.

Despite these advantages, nuclear facilities risk more damage compared to any of the armed conflict situations. Destruction of a nuclear plant may prove to be completely disastrous radiologically, may induce long-term ecological contamination, and may lead to massive civilian evacuation. Examples as Chernobyl and Fukushima confirm the tragic lessons learned from destroyed nuclear facilities.

These weaknesses have come starkly in Russia's unrelenting invasion of Ukraine. The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe was occupied by the Russian forces on March 2022 threatening nuclear disaster, knocking out crucial safety lines to cut off vital electrical power which forces the IAEA to immediately ask for declaration of a "Nuclear Safety and Security Protection Zone".

Although no official protection zone has been established, the IAEA keeps a close eye on the situation. Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General of the IAEA, emphasizes the importance of nuclear safety even in times of conflict. Grossi was at the American Nuclear Society's Winter Conference in November 2024, speaking on the unprecedented challenges faced by IAEA teams in Ukraine, where they work in dangerous conditions at times.

Nuclear energy is for peace," Grossi declared, restating the IAEA's pledge to protect Ukraine's 15 operational reactors and other installations, including Chernobyl. He said that work by the agency was indispensable in preventing nuclear infrastructure from being lost in war.

Along with strategic value through nuclear energy, it is vital to enhance energy efficiency for the future of energy as sustainable and resilient. Energy efficiency not only helps reduce power consumption but also brings in a green recovery, improved energy security, and reduced energy poverty.

Innovative solutions such as FORCE have been shown proven results of saving 10–15% in electricity consumption, creating a real possibility for short-term savings as well as long term. During a crisis such as the current conflict in Israel, speeding up the energy efficiency program in all areas is necessary.

Better use of energy in industries and by governments to the smallest extents through the utilization of ENPOSS-like advanced tools, which aid in the realization of cost-related economies of energy in operating industries while simultaneously reducing associated impacts on their environments. Other tiny acts may be the conservation of energy for large-scale reductions by using highly energy-efficient electrical appliances, closing electrical devices from power sources unless necessary, among others.

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